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A Particular Baptist

If you're looking for a catch-all phrase that best describes my belief system as a Christian, then 'Particular Baptist' is the term that works best. A Particular Baptist is someone who holds to the '1689 London Baptist Confession of Faith' as their statement of belief. This means that I am a Calvinist or Reformed Christian, holding to the Doctrines of Grace (sometimes known as TULIP) from a Baptist standpoint. I wouldn't say that I'm a Reformed Baptist, though much of being a Particular Baptist is the same as being a Reformed Baptist. I lean more towards the Particular Baptists who formed the 1689 Confession than the practice of those who are Reformed Baptists today.


While there are some differences between my being a Particular Baptist and Reformed Baptists, I in no way condemn Reformed Baptists generally speaking and will not indulge in polemics here. I am simply stating, that for me, I do not identify as a Reformed Baptist in the modern setting, even though we share much of the same belief system, world view, practices, etc. I am very happy to fellowship alongside Reformed Baptists for example, but would be unlikely to formally apply for membership in a Reformed Baptist church.


I'm not sure if that makes things clear, or leaves the water more muddy than ever. But it is what it is, and I certainly jnow what I mean.

Particular Baptist Resources

Below is a directory of resources that I will post on this site. Please note that not all resources are by Particular Baptists or Reformed Baptists. These are resources that I consider more than useful for any Reformed Believer.


Articles and resources of a theological nature.

Church History

Articles and historical works of significance to Reformed Christians.


Articles and works relating to Christian Living.


Articles and works to assist in understanding the Bible and implications of such study.

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